19 Oct Why Supplements; Why Shaklee
Why Supplements
Wow! I am asking myself to reduce what I learned about why people need vitamins from my mother as I was growing up in farm country in Canada many, many years ago. It’s a simple answer better understood today because we can clearly see we do not eat well and naturally most of the time. Our food is overprocessed, not fresh and not natural. The gap affects our health and creates victims (old and young) to small signs of poor health such as lack of energy and chronic annoying illnesses like colds, flu, allergies, skin ailments, etc. to serious, agonizing disease.
But Why Shaklee
#1. Shaklee is a food supplement company with NATURAL FOOD sources. To illustrate, the company goes as far as the Sea of Japan or South Africa to get a whole food that will have the concentrate that science and research agree will fill the need, created by vitamin deficiencies (result of inadequate diet).
#2. Shaklee does not use HEAT to process these natural vegetable products. It removes the fiber and water, and compresses the rest. As one example, the multi-vitamin called Vita-Lea has 29 vegetables in it from the 3 color spectrum: red, yellow, green. Now I can say I really do like vegetables, but like most people, I tend to eat some of the same ones all the time. This creates a deficiency because my choices are not varied enough.
#3. Shaklee started in 1956 and has always been a WELLNESS company. Their lines of products from their origin were created to address the health of America. Their more expanded line of products today still does the same. They were biodegradable before that was a word in the dictionary. Their vitamins are assimilable for any body, a concept still to be accepted as necessary. (To explain: it doesn’t matter what vitamins you take, it matters that the vitamin you are taking will be assimilated into your body through your organs and blood supply.)
In conclusion, it is pretty much outside my comfort zone to be a “salesman.” However, when I was about 28 I experienced serious poor health for the first time in my life; I had developed asthma and allergies. I was also afflicted with a skin condition that I had had for about 6 years or more. Because of the surprising positive health results I experienced in less than two months from using Shaklee, ever since I have been unable to see sickness and disease around me without recommending them.
It may be a tough sell but it’s the truth that I know from what happened to me, and from the lectures starting at my mother’s knee and amplified through lots of reading and more lectures from natural health oriented medical practitioners throughout my entire adult life.
It will help you all your life, and as I approach a birthday this Sunday, I know that my good health today is due to what I learned from my mother, and what health benefits I have gotten from the largest natural food company in the world.
Posted at 15:45h, 30 OctoberThanks to you, I know a lot more about supplements than I ever would have learned on my own. I have told friends for years …. Ginette has forgotten more than most people have ever known about good health and wellness (that’s a compliment – odd as it is).
Posted at 17:40h, 05 NovemberThanks, Sanna. With this website devoted to other topics, I had to include Shaklee that has been a part of my life for over four decades. And most of my teacher friends did not know this part of my life as I was timid about bringing it up considering the issues of perceived solicitation or conflict of interest. But I need to be bolder and bring, “a little light in the darkness.”
Posted at 16:40h, 03 FebruaryOne of my favorite comments I have made to describe your knowledge of health and nutrition over the years is that “Ginette has forgotten more about health than most of us will ever know”. Your insightful article just proved my point.
I regret not taking full advantage of your knowledge and healthy suggestions over the years – I’m sure my health would be very different today if I had. But it has always been such a comfort knowing I just had to pick up the phone or send an email and ask my myriad of health questions and I would get back honest and helpful answers.
You rock, my awesome friend!